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Use the form on the right to contact us. We love hearing from you!

Please expect it might take 24-36 hours to hear back. By day we are both busy with full time jobs saving salmon, trout, and watersheds...and raising the next generation of conservation- and community-minded kids. 



27830 State Highway 128
Winters, CA 95694

RainSkirts, WeatherWraps, and SportSkirts...functional outerwear to keep you warm, dry, and outside. Perfect for wearing over pants, skirts, and kilts. 

In The Wild

Updates and posts from happy customers around the globe. We love to share how you are using your skirts, and love sharing your photos. You can join in this lovefest by sending in your comments on the comment page. 

Love from down under

Libby Earthman

I have just recommended your skirts to about 5 people this week when hiking and then to an entire biking community group as the rain teams down - yet again. I am your worst customer as I bought my sport skirt about 6 years ago and it still looks like new despite being used almost every day for 9 months of each year. It folds up small in my day pack and I hardly leave the house without it. I think it’s one of my best pieces of clothing. (Although for biking I also have a garter with a clip to keep it in place in the very well).
Thank you.
Aotearoa/New Zealand